We are the

Case Management Society

of New England 

In alignment with the CMS Making Care Primary Model’s overarching objectives, this paper highlights the critical role of case management and professional case managers (PCMs) in augmenting care coordination and patient outcomes across primary care organizations and providers. It describes the characteristics of a successful context of case management practice based on the three Tracks of the MCP Model, PCMs’ role responsibilities supporting care interventions for people with multiple chronic conditions and HRSNs, and application of the Case Management Society of America’s (CMSA) standards of practice – all in primary care settings. This paper also provides key evidence-based information demonstrating potential value for the MCP Model and guidance for key strategies that primary care organizations and providers are encouraged to adopt.   Learn more and download a copy here. 

CMSA debuted the first Fact Sheet created by our Public Information Committee at #CMSA2024. Designed specifically for a healthcare professional audience, “The Impact of Case Management on the Healthcare System” is a comprehensive document that details not only what case management is and who professional case managers are but also how they make a positive impact across the healthcare continuum: for their patients, their colleagues, and the bottom line. Download your copy 🔗https://cmsa.org/the-impact-of-case-management-on-the…/

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About Us

The Case Management Society of New England (CMSNE), is the New England Chapter of the Case Management Society of America (CMSA), a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary network of healthcare professionals working in the specialized practice of CaseManagement. Our Chapter members hail from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire & Vermont.

Webinars on Demand

Offerings now Available to meet your needs. CMSNE is now pleased to offer an on-demand library of pre-recorded continuing education offerings – please note these were prior offerings duplicate credits cannot be awarded. Register by clicking on session link below. Cost is $10 – $20 per offering depending on credits offered.   These offerings are Online webinars via YouTube Recordings.

Upcoming Events offered by other CMSA chapters

Thursday, July 16, 2024 – 1 PM EST – Life Care Planning 101 Webinar – Sponsored by CMSA -FREE CMSA member and non-members. 1 RN, CCM, SW credits. Register online here: https://www.pathlms.com/cmsa/courses/70916

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 -12 noon EST – How to be a R.E.A.L. Success Webinar Sponsored by CMSA. FREE CMSA members, $40 non-members 1 RN & CCM credit Register Here

Monday, August 19, 2024 – 11:30 AM EST – Enhancing Case Managers’ Understanding of Blood Transfusion: A Comprehensive Overview Webinar – Sponsored by CMSA.  FREE CMSA members and non-members  1 RN, SW & CCM credit  Register Here

Become a CMSNE Partner

If you are interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor, please download the Corporate Partner Packet or contact the chapter office for more information.

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